Monday, August 20, 2012

Two Angels at the Door from The Help of Destin: Emma Irby

Two Angels at the Door

When Christina was born, I was 30 years old and didn't have a clue. I was as prepared as a mother-to-be, could be, with the nursery decorations. But after one "false alarm," crazy race to the hospital, the real birth came on suddenly, three nights later and I had forgotten to do enough laundry. Coming home from the hospital, there were no lingering oohs and ahhs because everyone who had attended the birth had to be somewhere else...the dock, the post office, the Gulf, the bank, the gift shop, answering the business phones, buying groceries, filling prescriptions. My mother said, will you be okay until later? So, feeling totally alone, just me and Jesus, I sat on my sofa with my precious baby in my arms and shed a tear. I needed help, and a lot of it.

I must say later that night, everyone came over, but the next day, even my dear mother could not be there for long. It was March 14th, Spring Break, and Emmanuel party boat business had to be run. Exhausted and weak from labor that was long and "precipitous," it was hard to even get out of bed.

Someone must have told Emma that I had a baby.

Just when I was desperately crying out to God, she knocked on the door. I could have kissed her. She just started "doing" everything that needed to be done, including laundry, answering the phone, bringing me things to drink, and holding the baby. She made life beautiful. Happy days were here again.

That day, I had two angels entering my life. Christina, my firstborn, and Emma. I have no doubt both were heaven-sent.


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